Nc Program Generation

Nc Program Generation

The SHOPGRID® MES module for NC program generation is a specialized tool designed to streamline the creation of Numerical Control (NC) programs for manufacturing operations, particularly in industries reliant on CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining processes. This module integrates seamlessly with Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) systems, facilitating efficient NC program generation based on design specifications. With a user-friendly interface, it automates the generation of NC machine code, eliminating manual errors and ensuring consistency. The module optimizes toolpaths to enhance production efficiency, supports simulation and verification for error prevention, and integrates with broader manufacturing workflows for a cohesive design-to-production transition. Additionally, it may include version control features for tracking changes to NC programs and post-processing support to translate generated NC code into machine-specific instructions.
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PIA’s flexibility to build the SHOPGRID® platform to fit our exact needs has made it impossible to leave them. We will simply not find this versatility anywhere else.
Justin S
If you care about customer service and problem solving, the SHOPGRID® team will blow you away. They are always there for their customers, no matter the time of day.
Brett Z
Over the years, PIA has totally transformed our operations with SHOPGRID®. We are more profitable and efficient because they are constantly innovating for us.
Andrew H
When we were in a time crunch, we knew who we needed to call. The SHOPGRID® team deployed their platform ahead of schedule and saved the day for us.
Bill G
SHOPGRID® is the most all-encompassing manufacturing operating system I have seen in all my career. It does more than just monitor and report. It can also control the entire shop floor.
Eric A
The team at PIA has never backed down from one of the challenges we have thrown at them, and they have always delivered.
James P
I can not tell you how great it is to not have to settle for an out-of-the-box solution! Custom software from PIA has made our lives so much easier.
Kyle K
Scrap went down and productivity went up when we started using the SHOPGRID® platform!
Scott A
With the ability to standardize all of the screens on the plant floor, SHOPGRID® has significantly shortened our training time for new employees.
Jack M
SHOPGRID® is the best system to help extract actionable data to make better decisions and improve the production process.
Kevin M
As we continue to grow, SHOPGRID® has been vital in helping us stay organized and creating visibility from the shop floor up to management.
Jeff T