Improve Manufacturing Operations

Lower Operating Cost & Decrease Cycle Times.

Improve Manufacturing Operations

Through the elimination of waste across the shop floor and implementation of new processes that are consistent throughout the business, manufacturers can achieve and sustain manufacturing excellence. SHOPGRID® delivers a unique and valuable approach to provide manufacturers enhanced visibility and control. This allows them to synchronize operations on the shop floor as well as across all related fields within the business and across the product supply chain. All users can see, respond, and contribute information to every process on the shop floor in real-time and at any location, resulting in continuous improvement of their OEE score.

Businessman in 5S workplace organisation concept
The SHOPGRID® digital platform allows users to better understand the impact of all decisions made for manufacturing efficiency improvements. It pulls real-time data directly from the shop floor so all decisions can be made with the most accurate, precise, and relevant information available. Making operational decisions influenced by real-time data has been proven to decrease cycle time and increase productivity. Using the SHOPGRID® digital platform reduces paper usage and manual data entry on various systems integrated throughout the shop floor, saving businesses thousands to millions of dollars per plant.
To improve manufacturing efficiency and customer satisfaction, SHOPGRID® focuses on lowering costs, eliminating waste, and reducing cycle times. A few of the methodologies used to address improvements include, providing actionable KPIs to address problems before influencing customer demands or costs, deploying process consistency across all operations, and integrating quality throughout all processes eliminating human error and product defects.
For many businesses, it isn’t difficult to improve operations, but to make the choice. Change can be daunting and intimidating, however by trying new, innovative and creative ideas on the shop floor will help determine what works best. Whether it involves simplifying manufacturing tasks, integrating automation on routine processes, or increasing workflow organization, once change is integrated then you can compare what works better and provides greater efficiency, productivity, and satisfaction.
To get started, you must make the choice whether you want to focus on lasting or temporary results. Working harder, faster, and longer throughout the day increases the need for machine maintenance and makes your machines more prone to machine downtime. By working smarter, more efficiently, and within manufacturing parameters, it allows manufacturers to create automated routine processes, gather proactive shop floor data, and rely on manufacturing intelligence to route production processes. When it comes to manufacturing, its about working smarter, not harder. Working smarter increases the longevity of shop floor equipment and machines, decreases production waste, and increases product quality. Focusing on creating products right the first decreases delivery times and increases customer satisfaction.
The best way to begin is to identify opportunities in workflows. Identify what processes flow seamlessly and create the highest quality products. Then compare those processes to the others that require rework or produce subpar quality products. Once the information is gathered, plan the changes you want to see happen on the shop floor. This will give operators an understanding of any new goals and their contribution to achieving it. Next, implement the changes that you want to see. On the SHOPGRID® digital platform, it tracks and records all activity in real-time, so it is easy to pull reports directly from the source to see how those changes are influencing operations. Then, repeat the review process until all areas of the shop floor that need change are addressed and a plan has been implemented.
No floor is too small for SHOPGRID®
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PIA’s flexibility to build the SHOPGRID® platform to fit our exact needs has made it impossible to leave them. We will simply not find this versatility anywhere else.
Justin S
If you care about customer service and problem solving, the SHOPGRID® team will blow you away. They are always there for their customers, no matter the time of day.
Brett Z
Over the years, PIA has totally transformed our operations with SHOPGRID®. We are more profitable and efficient because they are constantly innovating for us.
Andrew H
When we were in a time crunch, we knew who we needed to call. The SHOPGRID® team deployed their platform ahead of schedule and saved the day for us.
Bill G
SHOPGRID® is the most all-encompassing manufacturing operating system I have seen in all my career. It does more than just monitor and report. It can also control the entire shop floor.
Eric A
The team at PIA has never backed down from one of the challenges we have thrown at them, and they have always delivered.
James P
I can not tell you how great it is to not have to settle for an out-of-the-box solution! Custom software from PIA has made our lives so much easier.
Kyle K
Scrap went down and productivity went up when we started using the SHOPGRID® platform!
Scott A
With the ability to standardize all of the screens on the plant floor, SHOPGRID® has significantly shortened our training time for new employees.
Jack M
SHOPGRID® is the best system to help extract actionable data to make better decisions and improve the production process.
Kevin M
As we continue to grow, SHOPGRID® has been vital in helping us stay organized and creating visibility from the shop floor up to management.
Jeff T